Press release | Project news | Scientific publication Seaweed market study shows: European demand for seaweed exceeds production

brown seaweed on a plate

Europeans are consuming more and more seaweed. Currently the value of the European seaweed market is estimated at 840 million euros, compared to a global value of 8.4 billion euros. In 2030 the value of the European seaweed market for food will grow up to 2 to 2.8 billion euros.

At this time, Europe is importing nearly the complete demand for seaweed from Asia. But in 2030 locally cultivated seaweed could cover 25 percent of the European demand. Offshore wind parks are particularly suited as a location for sustainable seaweed farms.

This, along with many other conclusions, came out of the market study for seaweed food applications that ValgOrize partner North Sea Farmers conducted within the project.

As a sector organisation we are taking up the challenge to scale up volumes of local sustainably cultivated seaweed.

Lotte Bronswijk, North Sea Farmers

Discover the results of North Sea Farmers' market study on seaweed food applications


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Lotte Bronswijk

North Sea Farmers Community & Food manager