Press release The ValgOrize project is launched! Research towards the valorization of seaweed and microalgae as food on the European market

ValgOrize partners at kickoff meeting

Sustainably grown algal biomass can play a vital role in feeding the world by 2050. However, consumers in Europe are not used to eating seaweed and microalgae and food producers lack a reliable supply, which slows down innovation in the value chain. Twelve Belgian, Dutch, French and British partners aim to tackle this with ValgOrize, a 2 Seas Interreg project just launched in Ostend.

By providing insight into the factors affecting taste as well as texture, flavour and colour, ValgOrize will determine whether altering taste during the different production phases is possible and feasible in real-life companies. It will also create an open platform for scaled up cultivation of high quality, safe algal biomass for the European food and feed industry.

Coordinator Johan Robbens (ILVO): “Europe needs more sustainable food, food producers need a consistent and reliable supply of biomass, and consumers want food that tastes good. ValgOrize will close that gap.”

Read the entire article on the ILVO website


Contact us

Johan Robbens

ValgOrize project coordinator