Event Seagriculture 2020

Seagriculture 2020 was a success!
Together with Bert Groenendaal, Marlies Draisma from ValgOrize partner North Sea Farmers presented the results of the EU Seaweed Strategy Stakeholder session that they organised earlier this year. These results show a diversity of non-technical pillars that could be setup to improve the learning capabilities of the EU seaweed sector. Showcasing and value chain collaborations are key and we need to move forward in line with the Green Deal ambitions. Hereby a short list of key action lines for the upcoming year for the EU seaweed community:
- Research market demand
- Increase production volume
- Improve product quality & sustainability
- Harmonize Maritime Spatial Planning & legislations
- Create consumer awareness
- Develop cross-sectoral / cross-member state value chains
- Monitoring knowledge/legal/technology/markets and improve learning capabilities of seaweed sector.
Noordzeeboerderij then called all stakeholders and partners to work on this and monitor our progress together. All of you have great examples. Share and learn from each other (and North Sea Farmers as sector representative is more than happy to help with that). That’s how we all can move forward!