The Biochemistry of Aquatic Products (BAP) unit is a component of the INRAe cross-border Joint Research Unit (UMR) n°1158 BioEcoAgro and is under agreement with the Anses via a unit under contract with the Food Safety Laboratory (LSAl) located in Maisons-Alfort and Boulogne-sur-Mer. The complementarity of research with the Anses Boulogne-sur-Mer concerns subjects relating to biochemical and microbiological risks associated with aquatic products.
The research developed within the BAP unit corresponds to the strategic axes of ULCO through the scientific programme of the sea campus and it has been concretised by the research program of the 2015-2019 State-Region Contract (CPER) entitled MARCO: marine and coastal research in the Opal Coast: from environments to resources, uses and the quality of aquatic products (video here)
Research is based on two themes in line with the research programmes of teams 8 and 9 of pole 3 of the UMRt BioEcoAgro:
Quality, freshness and authenticity of aquatic products
Study of pathogenic and useful flora
It is within the theme related to useful flora that the team is involved in the Interreg Valgorize program. Our contribution concerns the structural analysis of polysaccharides extracted from micro- or macro-algae that could potentially be vectors of the "sweet" taste of algae.